According to Google, the website speed is important for a website’s ranking. The faster loading website will simply rank higher than a slower loading site. I will do WooCommerce and WordPress speed optimization, reduce the page loading time according to the GTmetrix and Google Pagespeed Insight guide and will boost up your WordPress loading speed in 24 hours.
With this gig, I will do WordPress speed optimization by using the following fixes:
- Full Website Backup
- Page & Browser Cache
- CDN Setup and Configuration404 Check & Fix (All)
- Disable Heartbeat
- Image Hotlink Protection
- Hosting Migration
- Deferring Unused JS/CSS
- Inline & Combine JS/CSS
- PHP Version Update
- Blocking Harmful Crawlers
- Font Optimization
- Cache Preloading
- Minifying JS/CSS/HTML Files
- Lazy Load Images
- Serving Scaled Images
- Image Optimization
- WooCommerce Optimization
- Database Optimization
- Server Cpu Optimization
- zip File Compression
We will provide you with before and after reports from Google PageSpeed Insight, GTMetrix and Pingdom. My Policy: 100% Money Back Guarantee
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